Page 14 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 14
The “Ghost”at Srengseng
Sawah Cemetery
The arrival of COVID-19 corpses in Srengseng Sawah public cemetery
(TPU) terrifies local residents, who fear of possible transmission.
ain pouring down Srengseng Sawah Sawah was set to be a burial ground for
area, South Jakarta, on January 21st 2021. COVID-19 bodies, there were many of hearse
RIn the midsts of the rain and freezing cars passes by. “It could be tens of bodies that
weather, slowly, a hearse went forward on to would be buried here in a day,” he told JaKita.
the Srengseng Sawah public cemetery (TPU),
passing the densely packed residential area The circumstance frightened many of the
surrounds the narrow street. The sirene went residents living surround the cemetery: they are
loud, breaking the silence that haunts the area. afraid of contracting the disease. They chose to
stay inside their homes and locked the doors,
Abdullah, a resident at community unit (RW) 07, making the area look like an abandoned place
Srengseng Sawah subdistrict, saw the passing despite the status of dense neighborhood. There
hearses through his window—for the cemetery were only few people who were seen outside. “It
area is located inside the residential area. The feels like this is an abandoned village,” Abdullah
only thing to divide the two areas was a 2-meter said.
high wall.
Although previously, Abdullah continued,
According to Abdullah, since TPU Srengseng
2nd EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta