Page 19 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 19

EXCELLENT          19
                                                                                     CIVIL SERVANT

                                                                    PERSONAL INFORMATION

                                                                    Full name :
                                                                    Agung Pujo Winarko
                                                                    Date of Birth :
                                                                    Jakarta, October 23rd 1982
                                                                    Position :
                                                                    Head of Community Participation division
                                                                    at Jakarta Environment Agency

                                                                      2018: Metro Figure Award by Koran

                                                                      2019: First Rank of Excellent ASN
                                                                      from Jakarta
                                           Officer from Ja-
                                           karta Environment                       CAREER
                                           Agency was hold-
                                           ing free emission
                                           test service for
                                           residents.                 2020: Head of Community
                                                                      Participation division at Jakarta
                                         Credit:                      Environment Agency (DLH)
                                         Safran H.
                                                                      2017: Head of Environmental
                                                                      Pollution Management section at
                                                                      Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH)

                                                                      2015: Head of Environmental
                                                                      Monitoring section in West Jakarta
                                                                      Environment Management office
          changed to Spatial Planning Agency in 2007. His             (KPLH)
          performance was good, for he was involved in
                                                                                               Infographic: Tommy K.R.
          designing the MRT and LRT projects.
                                                             Jakarta, October 23rd in 1982 is a graduate of the
          However, there was a reshuffle in 2015 which       Geography and Regional Development Planning
          required him to be transferred to Jakarta Bina     department from Gajah Mada University. While
          Marga  road  agency  as  head  of  Technical       his master degree was from the Department of
          Planning for Road and Bridge Maintenance           Urban Development Studies at the University of
          division. In the same year, Agung was trusted      Indonesia.
          to be head of Environmental Law Arrangement
          section   in   West     Jakarta    Environment     Nevertheless, he found no difficulty to adapt the
          Management office (KPLH). “That’s something        new work for he is fond of learning something
          new for me since I never thought I would have      new. His enthusiasm in learning new things is
          to learn about environment,” he said.              the key of success that he kept since becoming
                                                             an ASN in 2006. It was seen in several positions
          Environmental issues are practically new for       he’s been given responsibilities for.  Although
          him, since he doesn’t have a background in the     hard, he tried his best to carry out his duty
          environmental field. The man who was born in       sincerely.                                  gro

                                                                                                       2nd EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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