Page 18 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 18

18        EXCELLENT
                   CIVIL SERVANT

              akarta Environment Agency has been
              aggressively holding free emission tests
         Jin various areas in Jakarta, following the
         issue of Gubernatiorial Regulation No. 66/2020
         on Motor Vehicle Emission Testing. It urges every
         motor-vehicle owners to have their vehicles
         tested for emission threshold.

         Agung  Pujo  Winarko,  head  of  Community
         Participation division at Jakarta Environment
         Agency (DLH) is the person behind the success
         of e-Emission Test app development in 2018. At
         that time, he was the head of Environmental
         Pollution division in the Control on Environmental
         Impact Section at DLH.

         Agung explained the thing that encouraged him
         to make the app was the air quality in Jakarta
         which needs to be improved. “It is necessary to
         build a system that can reduce motor-vehicle
         exhaust gas,” told Agung to JaKita at his office,
         last January.

         He explained at that time, Jakarta was in the
         list of top ten cities with poor air quality in
         the world. “Motor vehicle exhaust gas is the
         biggest  contributor to  the  poor air  quality  in
         Jakarta,” he said. Following his concern for the
         environment, Agung initiated the e-Emission
         Test   application.   As   a   result,  Jakarta
         government finally launched the e-Emission
         Test  application  in  2019  to  make  it  easier  for   emissions test for their vehicles,” he said.
         people to test their vehicle emissions.
                                                             Today, it is proven that the residents are
         He said this application will help public to find   flocking  to  test  their  vehicles.  Especially  after
         out the condition of their vehicle, the location of   the  Jakarta  government  issued  Gubernatorial
         car repair which provides emission test service,    Regulation  No.66/2020  on  motor  vehicle
         location of emission test services and to check     emission test.
         their vehicles condition only by inputing their
         vehicle plate number. “This application makes       For his hard work in developing this e-Emission
         it  easier  for  people  to  find  information  and   Test  system,  he won  the 2018 Metro  Figure
         conduct emission tests,” said Agung.                Award by Koran Tempo.He had also achieved
                                                             first place for 2019 Excellent Civil Servant in
         However, Agung had to work extra hard prior to      Jakarta.  “I am  grateful  for the  award.”  Agung
         the launching of e-Emission Test application.       said modestly.
         He took a tour throughout the city to introduce
         them to the e-Emission Test app. At that time,      Agung started his career as civil servant (ASN)
         they didn’t really care about the app. “But I       in Provincial Government of Jakarta, at the
         do believe, in the  future they will really need    City Planning Agency in 2006, which was later

                         2nd EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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