Page 10 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 10
ecember 2020 might not be the best year-
end moment for Aries Dharmawanto.
DHe was tested positive for COVID-19. To
make it worse, he could not be referred to any
hospital, nor to Wisma Atlet, for they had been
full. Eventhough he was worried, he had to do
self-isolation and being away from his family.
He was lucky that he only had mild symptoms.
Similar thing happened to Ade. He, who is a
resident at Hankam Bintaro Complex South
Jakarta, had to tried hard to find available
referral hospitals, as he and his family were
confirmed positive for COVID-19 in January. “I
almost gave up. It frightened me as my mother
is an elderly, I was scared she would suddenly
Healthcare get shortness of breath and had to undergo
specific treatment,” said Ade.
Aries and Ade were ones of many COVID-19
Facilities: patients forced to do self-isolation due to the
overwhelmed hospitals. After christmas and
year-end holidays, there was spike in COVID-19
At Risk of cases in Jakarta which affected on the
overwhelmed healthcare facilities and medical
Collapse According to the data from Jakarta Health
Agency, the capacity of 101 hospitals in the city
are reaching their capacity limit. On January
17th, isolation beds and ICU (Intensive Care
Units) occupancy has reached 87 and 82
The spikes in COVID-19 cases after long
percent. Some of them even reached over 90
holidays resulted in many overwhelmed
percent. 24 percent of the them was recorded
hospitals. Will they face collapse?
to treat patients from outside Jakarta.
The coordinator at Wisma Atlet emergency
hospital, Major General of TNI dr. Tugas Ratmono,
said recently the government find it more
difficult to refer patients with severe symptoms
to be treated in hospitals. Based on recent data,
up until January 25th 2021, occupancy rate of
Wisma Atlet has reached 77.63 percent. In fact,
some of its towers had reached more than 85
Moreover, the ICU transitional care which
has 12 beds and High Care Unit (HCU) with 39
beds were also full. Only Intermediate Care
2nd EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta