Page 11 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 11
Unit (IMCU) beds were available, with only 50 isolation room, in the emergency installation
percent of bed occupancy remained. (IGD) and ICU room. Since the pandemic began,
30 to 40 patients went to the hospital daily.
On the contrary, according to public relation
team of Wisma Atlet hospital, lieutenant Overwhelmed Healthcare Workers
colonel drg M. Arifin, there was a rise in number
of patients with oxygen desaturation. Many of Besides healthcare facilities, the pandemic
COVID-19 patients developed severe symptoms also strains the healthcare workers. They were
and their blood oxygen levels drop. They are the all feeling overwhelmed, especially those who
ones who need ICU care the most. have been working non-stop since March 2020.
“I have no time to rest for a year,” admitted Ayi,
Similar conditions occured in Persahabatan one of the nurses working at COVID-19 referral
hospital. Pulmonologist of the hospital, Erlina hospital. Puti, another nurse assigned at a
Burhan said they had to refuse to accept referral hospital in West Jakarta, also feel the
patients due to the fully occupied beds in same way. She has to handle over 15 COVID-19
patients daily.
The situation got worse since family clusters
emerged after christmas and new year
holidays. For instance, at Pasar Minggu regional
hospital, there were spikes of COVID-19 patients
by 100 percent in the past month. “It feels more
overwhelming than it was on the first PSBB
(large-scale social restrictions) period where
there was decreasing number of patients, but it
gets increased again in the past month for 95-
98 percent,” explained dr. Sri Dhuny Atas Asri,
a pulmonologist at Pasar Minggu hospital, to
Increase Capacity
To fulfill the requirement, Jakarta government
keeps on increasing beds for isolation and ICU.
There will be 1,941 beds added for isolation rooms,
making it a total of 9,996 beds. Meanwhile, there
will be 1,362 beds added for ICU rooms, to add
the currently 1,097 unit beds.
workers are
installing Jakarta Deputy Governor, Ahmad Riza Patria,
ventilator to has promised to keep increasing capacity
a COVID-19 of healthcare facilities and workers to
handle COVID-19. However, he asked for the
community to cooperate in breaking the chain
Credit: of transmission. “We asked the residents of
Doc of Pasar Jakarta as well as the non-residents to be
Minggu hospital disciplined so we can curb the spread of this
COVID-19 immediately,” he said.
2nd EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta