Page 8 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 8


                                                                                              The home-
                                                                                              coming flow
                                                                                              on christ-
                                                                                              mas and
                                                                                              new year’s
                                                                                              holidays seen
                                                                                              at Kampung
                                                                                              Rambutan bus
                                                                                              terminal in
                                                                                              East Jakarta.

                                                                                            Dharma W.

                                                             than  the national  rate, the  increase  implied  a
                                                             worrying condition. Recently, mortality rate of
                                                             COVID-19 in Jakarta was 1.6 percent, with a total
                                                             of 4,000 dead patients until end of January.

                                                             Must Not Underestimate

                                                             Head of Jakarta Health Agency Widyastuti told
                                                             JaKita that despite the hardwork of the city
                                                             government to curb the spread of COVID-19,
         “Although [the effort] still                        the spikes in cases after christmas and new
         ongoing, many has yet to                            year’s holidays reflected a still non optimal role
         care.”                                              of the residents in it. “Although [the effort] still
                                                             ongoing, many has yet to care,” said Widyastuti.
         Widyastuti, Head of                                 According to her, the spike in daily positive
                                                             cases in Jakarta should not be underestimated.
         Jakarta Health Agency                               The increase made the previously two or three-
                                                             digit number of cases became four-digit cases,
                                                             which was around 2,000 until 25,000 cases per
                                                             day. Today, daily active cases in the city has
                                                             reached 20,000 patients per day.

                                                             For   Widyastuti,  the   number     represented
                                                             an extraordinary thing. The increase were

                         2nd EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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