Page 4 - JaKita 02rd Edition 2021
P. 4

Jendela                                                                     CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                                                                      The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                    COVID-19 Emergency Alert                          CHIEF OPERATING
                                       ong holiday has ended, but the effect still lingers:   Secretary of The Provincial
                                       a spike in  COVID-19 cases  in Jakarta  has caused   Government of DKI Jakarta
                                   Lnumbers  of  referral hospitals  for  COVID-19 in   Assistant Secretary of The
                                   the city  overwhelmed to treat patients.  The hospital   Provincial Government of DKI
                                   occupancy and facilities, including the isolation beds and   Jakarta
                                   Intensive Care Units (ICU) had outgrew its capacity.
                                      For that reason, only patients with severe symptoms   DIRECTOR
                                                                                      Head of Communication,
                                   are prioritized to get treatments in the hospitals, while   Information and Statistics of
                                   patients with  mild  symptoms are  adviced  to  have  self-  DKI Jakarta
                                      To handle the spike in COVID-19 cases after holidays,   GUARANTOR
                                   Jakarta  government has  increased  bed capacity  for   Head of Public Communication
                                   isolation and ICU rooms, also adding more hospital to
                                  be COVID-19 referral hospital. They also had designated   EDITOR IN CHIEF
              Graha Wisata at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah and Graha Wisata Ragunan as self-  Head of Media and Public
              isolation centers.                                                      Communication Section
                 But aside from all of those efforts, the best way to curb the spread of COVID-19
              is to stay discipline in implementating  health protocols, starts from wash hands   DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                      Evi Yulianti
              regularly, wear mask, watch our distance, avoid crowds and reduce mobility.
                                                                                      EXCLUSIVE EDITOR
                                                                                      Nuruli Khotimah
                                                                                      MANAGING EDITOR
         FROM THE CITIZENS                                                            Bambang Widodo

          COVID-19 Vaccine                                                            Nanik Ismawati
          to Increase Immunity                                                        Peri Irawan

          Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta,                                                   REPORTERS
                                                                                      Muslim Ambari
                                                                                      Hans Arthur Sinjal
          Assalamualaikum wr. wb                                                      Fenny Yanti Lukman Budiman
          I want to know how can vaccine protect our body from contracting COVID-19?  Tegar Rizqon Alfian
                                                                                      Dian Riski Rosmayanti
          Ade Indra                                                                   Fenty Risya Wardhanny
          Bintaro, South Jakarta
                                                                                      Difa Restiasari
          Dear Ade Indra,                                                             PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                      Safran Hasibuan
                                                                                      Dharma Wijayanto
          From the book of #VaccineInfo, it is said that based on the results of clinical
          trial phase I and II, the available vaccines are proven safe and able to strengthen   CREATIVE TEAM
          our immune system from contracting COVID-19. However, the protection we     Tommy Kusuma R
          get from vaccines should be followed with our discipline in promoting health   Fandy Adam
          protocols, like wearing our mask properly, watch our distance to others and   SECRETARIAT
          avoid crowds, and to wash hands with soap regularly.
                                                                                      Jose Rizal
                                                                                      Andik Fitriansyah
          Regards,                                                                    Devina Ivo Mahendra
          Editorial Team
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