Page 10 - JaKita 10th Edition 2021
P. 10
Light Rail Transit
(LRT) becomes
one of the public
transport mode
options for the
citizens of Jakarta.
Dharma W.
year, Jakarta government also collaborated to the KRL trains to other public transport modes,
revamp four stations, namely Dukuh Atas station, but also the arrangement of the entire area. “So
Tanah Abang station, Senen station, and Juanda it will create an increase in the economy,” said
station. Syafrin Liputo.
According to the Head of Jakarta Transportation Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan said the
Agency Syafrin Liputo, the second phase of inauguration of the integration station and the
the Tebet station revamp was done with two launch of the JakLingko card and application
integration patterns, which means the integration was a monumental event that not only served
does not only occur between the Commuter Line as a stepping stone for better transportation
with other transportation modes, but also with services, but also proved that collaboration,
the area around the station. “That means, the if done seriously and thoroughly, would bring
integration is done between its spatial planning advantages to the community. He hopes that
and its surrounding areas, so there is also an all public transportation services in Jakarta can
areal development,” told Syafrin to JaKita. be accessed quickly, safely, comfortably and
affordable by the entire public. Hence, the more
Therefore, continued Syafrin, the integration goal public transport users, the better urban mobility.
is not only to create smooth transit process from yen/sam
10th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta