Page 9 - JaKita 09th Edition 2021
P. 9

TOP REPORT             9

          from  Rp25,000/m   for the  social  tariff  group,  to   services  in  Jakarta  by  PAM  JAYA.  The  target  of  the
          Rp39,000/m for the highest tariff group. Meanwhile,   subsidy  is  the  community  served  by  PAM  Jaya  with
          for household tariff, they set the price of Rp32,000/m .  kiosk Water and SWRO. With the subsidy, clean water
                                                             becomes more affordable especially for residents in
          Two Strategies                                     the Thousand Islands, which price is now Rp3,550/m
                                                             for 0-3 m use, a decrease by Rp28,450/m .
          To handle the issue, Jakarta provincial government
          does not remain silent. Head of Planning Division at   Meanwhile, for residents in areas that do not have
          Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Agency, Elisabeth    access to piping network, residents will only need
          Tarigan,  said  in  the  same  webinar  that  the  city   to pay Rp400 per 20 litres jerrycan, which will be
          government has prepared two strategies to fulfil the   provided at the water kiosk or brought by the
          right to clean water for 100% people in Jakarta        residents themselves. If they wish to have the
          by 2030.                                                    water  delivered  to  their  homes,  they  only
                                                                          need to pay Rp60,000-Rp120,000 per
          According  to  her,  the  need  for                               month for around 3 m  of water.
          clean water in Jakarta is 32,865                                    The  price is  much  cheaper  than
          litres per second (lps), while                                        before, when they have to spend
          only 20,725 lps of water that                                          Rp600,000 per month for clean
          can be provided. “There is a                                           water
          gap of 36% of the need for
          additional water supply of                                              “The   reduction  of  price
          12,140 lps,” said Elisabeth.                                            confirms that the state is here
                                                                                  to provide basic rights and the
          To  achieve   the   target,                                             people’s right to water. Thus, it
          Elisabeth said the Jakarta                                             is hoped that there will be an
          government has internal and                                           increase in health services, and
          regional strategies to provide                                       a decrease in the cost of living for
          piped water. For the regional                                      all sectors of life,” said Elisabeth.
          strategy,  the  government    will
          maximize the capacity of several water                        The impact will also continue to be felt
          supply systems (SPAM), such as at Jatiluhur 1            by all levels of society. It will help residents to
          Hulu, Djuanda Hulu, Karian Hulu, Pesanggrahan, and   achieve economic prosperity and create sustainable
          Spread Communal SPAM. They will also suppress      environment in the Thousand Islands.
          leakage rate from 44% to 26%.
                                                             Precise and Firm
          Meanwhile, for the internal strategy, the city
          government will promote the efficiency of water    Public Policy Researcher at National Research and
          usage, utilize surface water (from reservoirs, ponds   Innovation Agency (BRIN) Anugerah Yuka Asmara on
          and others), seawater desalination (SWRO), mobile   an occasion said that the clean water subsidy policy
          Water Treatment Installations (IPA), water kiosks and   in the Thousand Islands was right. But he reminded
          tank cars, and protect water catchment areas.      the Jakarta government to prepare further policies
                                                             for clean water services in the Thousand Islands, to
          For the affordability of tariffs, the Jakarta government   encourage all parties, especially residents, to achieve
          will also provide water subsidies that have been   independence in meeting the needs of clean water.
          stipulated  through   Gubernatorial  Regulation
          No.57/2021, aiming the acceleration of clean water   In addition, he also advised the Jakarta government

                                                                                                       9th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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