Page 8 - JaKita 09th Edition 2021
P. 8


                                                                                                    The 1.1-hectare
                                                                                                    Pesakih Reservoir
                                                                                                    is one of the raw
                                                                                                    water resources
                                                                                                    for SPAM

                                                                                                  Safran H.

         locations. “This is a formal policy to resolve land   administrative  areas  under  Jakarta  province,
         disputes, and this is a huge breakthrough,” he said.  geographically, this district is located in the middle
                                                             of the Java Sea and includes a group of islands, of
         However, to develop equal distribution of drinking   which 11 islands are residential areas as well as the
         water services in the capital city, the government   economic centres of residents.
         doesn’t only have to solve the problem of disputed
         lands but also the limited resources, which is related   The problem in Thousand Islands is not merely about
         to the raw water resources as well as clean water   its limited access, but also the affordability of clean
         piping networks that do not cover all areas of Jakarta.  water which is relatively more expensive compared to
                                                             mainland Jakarta. They have to pay high price since
         From the data of PAM Jaya, until 2020, the coverage of   the clean water is being processed from sea water,
         Jakarta’s clean water piping system has only reached   the only source of raw water for them, using high
         64%. Meanwhile, regarding raw water sources, of the   technology namely the Sea Water Reverse Osmosis
         13 rivers that pass-through Jakarta, only water from   (SWRO).
         Krukut and Pesanggrahan  rivers  can be converted
         into clean water.                                   Besides the high price of the machine, SWRO
                                                             maintenance is also relatively expensive, resulting
         Besides in mainland Jakarta, the problem to meet    in higher price of the fresh water produced. Jakarta
         clean water need is getting more complicated        Gubernatorial Regulation No.34/2018 stipulated the
         in the Thousand Islands Regency. As one of the      price of clean water for the Thousand Island areas

                         9th EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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