Page 4 - JaKita 09th Edition 2021
P. 4

Jendela                                                                    CHIEF EXECUTIVE

                                                                                     The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                   FULFILL THE RIGHT TO CLEAN WATER                  CHIEF OPERATING
                                                                                     Secretary of The Provincial
                                         lean water is a rare resource in the Thousand   Government of DKI Jakarta
                                         Islands. Over the years, they depended the   Assistant Secretary of The
                                   Cneeds to clean water from outside the islands,   Provincial Government of DKI
                                   which often faces challenge for its inter-island   Jakarta
                                   distribution process.                             DIRECTOR
                                      However, since 2019, residents at Thousand     Head of Communication,
                                   Islands no longer have trouble in getting clean water.   Information and Statistics of
                                   The provincial government of Jakarta along with PAM   DKI Jakarta
                                   Jaya came to help fulfil their need to clean water by   GUARANTOR
                                   providing piped water service using the Sea Water   Head of Public Communication
                                   Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) technology, which converts
                                   seawater into ready-to-drink water.               EDITOR IN CHIEF
                 Today, 77% of total residents at Thousand Island have received access to   Head of Media and Public
                                                                                     Communication Section
              drinking water service, which are spread throughout the 9 out of 11 inhabited
              islands served by piped water.                                         DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                 The Jakarta government also provide clean water subsidies. As stipulated in   Evi Yulianti
              the Gubernatorial Regulation No.57/2021, residents at the Thousand Islands
              will no longer have to pay Rp32,000/m3 but only Rp3,500/m3 for a 0-3m3   EXCLUSIVE EDITOR
                                                                                     Nuruli Khotimah
              water use. This will impact not only for their health, but also increase their
                                                                                     MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                     Bambang Widodo
         FROM THE CITIZENS                                                           EDITORS
                                                                                     Nanik Ismawati
                                                                                     Peri Irawan
                                                                                     Muslim Ambari
          Dear Jakarta government,
                                                                                     Hans Arthur Sinjal
                                                                                     Fenny Yanti Lukman Budiman
          Assalamualaikum wr.wb.                                                     Tegar Rizqon Alfian
          I would like to ask if the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are available for general   Dian Riski Rosmayanti
                                                                                     Fenty Risya Wardhanny
          public? How to get them?
          Teguh Hendra                                                               Difa Restiasari
          Ciracas, East Jakarta
                                                                                     Safran Hasibuan
          Answer:                                                                    Dharma Wijayanto
          Dear Teguh Hendra,
                                                                                     CREATIVE TEAM
          As seen from the official Instagram of Jakarta, Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are   Tommy Kusuma R
          now available for general public. You can get Pfizer vaccination by submitting   Fandy Adam
          registration via JAKI app, while to get Moderna vaccination, you can directly go   SECRETARIAT
          to the nearest healthcare facilities, which you can check for the locations and   Jose Rizal
          quota at                                   Andik Fitriansyah
                                                                                     Devina Ivo Mahendra
          Editorial Team
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