Page 6 - JaKita 09th Edition 2021
P. 6


            Equality in Clean

            Water Service

            for Residents

            of Jakarta

            Now, not only it is easy to access clean water
            but the service and price are also equal.

                     ater is a fundamental human need. Especially
                     during pandemic like today, where washing
            W hands with running water is one of ways to
            prevent COVID-19.

            As a fundamental need, the United Nations (PBB)
            makes the right to water as one of basic human rights,
            just  like  the  right  to  life, the  right to  be  independent,
            and so on. This recognition of water as a human right
            is explicitly stated in UN Resolution No.64/292, at the
            United Nations General Assembly, June 28  2010.
            With  this  recognition,  everyone  has  the  right  to
            adequate, safe, easily accessible water to meet
            their  personal  and  domestic  needs.  Referring  to  the
            calculation of the World Health Organization (2010), the
            minimum water requirement is 30 litres per individual
            per day, with 10 litres for drinking and 20 litres for

            In Indonesia, the recognition of water as a fundamental
            human right is recognized through Law No.17/2016
            concerning Water Resources. The state also guarantees

                         9th EDITION 2021        9th EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI JakartaSarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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