Page 22 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 22
gorillas are males. They were sent from England, With those attractive design and set, it is no
not Africa, through the cooperation made with surprise that more and more people would come
one of the animal conservation organizations. to visit Ragunan Zoo, only to see this primate
Actually, there were four gorillas on the first center. In fact, number of visitors had increased
arrival to Indonesia, but unfortunately, one significantly during weekends, reaching 2000-
gorilla grew wild and vicious it killed itself in a 3000 people per day.
fight to other gorillas.
To enjoy the collection of primates at Schmutzer
Overall, there are 18 species with 97 individual Primate Centre, you’ll only need to come through
primates in this Schmutzer Primate Centre. Ragunan Zoo entrance gate and buy separate
Besides gorillas and orangutans, other primates ticket to enter the Schmutzer. However, during
include chimpanzees, langurs, Javan gibbons, COVID-19 pandemic time the ticket will only
beruks and any other rare species coming from available online; firstly you need to order the
inside or outside Indonesia. ticket online and make payment offline when you
arrive at the zoo. The ticket price is 6,000 rupiahs
Most of the primates are placed inside special for weekdays and 7,000 rupiahs for weekends
cages all the time. Some are placed in the and national holidays. If you want to watch the
outdoor areas during noon and being brought documentary film about primates, you need to
back to their special cages in the evening. All of pay for additional charge of 150,000 rupiahs per
them are placed inside this 13 ha open-zoo area. movie, with theater capacity of 85 seats. sam
5th EDITION 2021
5th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta