Page 17 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 17

EXCELLENT          1717
                                                                                    CIVIL SERVANT

                                                   Eti Suyanti


                                         with Heart

                 During her 21 years of dedication in education world, Eti Suyanti breeds
                     numerous champions in certain skills in local, national and even
                                                international level.

                    ducation is a world Eti Suyanti lived    her, the art of guiding and teaching students
                    for. For almost 21 years, she has been   came from experiences, determination and
                E dedicating herself as teacher. During the   sincerity. Not to forget: the will to spread love to
                long journey she had overcame numbers of     the students. “We ought to teach them things,
                challenges and still persistent in doing her job.   prepare them to face the outside world,” said
                In fact, she never stops giving motivational   Eti.
                support for her students, so that they can be
                successful not only in school matters but in   She was thankful for being a teacher, although
                everyday life. “I ask them dream and think of   she never dreamed of becoming one. She
                becoming a champion,” Eti told JaKita at her   wanted to become a business woman in
                office in SMK 57 Jakarta.                    clothing  industry  (sewing), as she is into
                                                             sewing. “I love to make clothes since I was a
                For  that  reason,  Eti  doesn’t only  teach  the   kid,” she confessed. In fact, when she was in
                students about theories but more than: she   elementary school, some of her friends already
                teaches and guides them so they can apply    requested  for  her  to  make  their  clothes.  “I
                the knowledge they’ve learned in real life. “Try   remember the first dress I made, it was a pink,
                your best to apply them in your everyday life,”   balloon-sleeved dress with polkadot patterns,”
                she said.                                    Eti recalled.

                As a teacher, Eti admitted that she often    Eti didn’t make it to sewing business as her
                becomes proud if her students managed        mother  rejected  the  idea  and  told  her  to
                to be a champion. Although not every         continue her school. She didn’t have to make
                students successfully become one, “That      money for it. Since then, she abandoned her
                is my challenge as a teacher,” said Eti. For   hobby and focused on school. Later, as her love

                                                                                                       5th EDITION 2021
                                                                                                       5th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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