Page 16 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 16

16     COLUMN



                ede Robi was speechless. His stool test showed   garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans.
                a shocking result: after eating fish and prawn
         G he got from a pond near Porong river, Sidoarjo,   A researcher at Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)
          doctor found 103 microplastic compound from the   said in the movie, “In 2050, most of our foods will come
          stool inside the Navicula vocalist and guitarist. It   from the oceans since the supply from our land is
          was five times as much compared to the result from   decreasing. Ironically, the total of plastic waste in the
          Wina, Austria, which sample was obtained from eight   ocean will outnumber the fish.”
          different countries. “It is very harmful for body health
          since it may cause impotence, kidney failure and   After nights spent with dangdut music during the
          cancer,” revealed a researcher in a documentary film   trip to Jakarta, Robi and Prigi finally met Tiza Mafira,
          called Plastic Island, which I watched in the theater, 1.2   the Executive Director of Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet
          year after the pandemic starts.                   Movement, which is also the alumna of Harvard Law
                                                            School, US. She have resigned from a law firm to fight
          Later,  Robi moved out of his cozy wooden-house   for her commitment in preventing environmental
          in Ubud, Bali. With a truck full of properties for an   damages. In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, this trio
          anti-plastic campaign, he and his friends made an   is back to introduce and make known of 3R campaign
          impactful ride to Hotel Indonesia roundabout, Jakarta.   (reduce, reuse, recycle) in waste management.
          Throughout the journey from East Java, Central Java,   Not only to do 3R in the downstream but also in the
          Yogyakarta, West Java to the capital city of Jakarta,   upstream.
          this documentary reveals a very astonishing story. In
          Gresik, for example, we can see mountainous plastic   We should reduce the use of plastic, which is often
          waste which was imported from the US, where people   found in the packaging of soap, shampoo and many
          start to dried and used them as fuel in tofu factories.  other things we used daily. It should be reduced from
                                                            the production in fabrics, like the Unilever did. It is also
          Therefore,  Prigi  Arisandi,  founder  of  Ecoton  advisable  for  the  government  to  regulate  the  policy,
          (Environmental Conservation Organization) along   since it is not enough to just ban the usage of plastic
          with his friends took to the street in front of the US   bags in markets and stores. Otherwise, we might leave
          Consulate General in Surabaya. He also took mobile   the world full of diseases to our grandchildren.
          lab with him to study 100 stool samples he got from
          his trip, only to found out that all of those samples   At the end of the film, the two daughters of Robi and
          contained microplastics, including the ones he    Tiza showed up. “As long as I can speak my voice, I will
          received from a salt farmer in Cirebon. “The trash we   never give up on this matter. For the sake of people I
          throw away will eventually comes back to our dining   love,” said Robi, who just woken up by her daughter. It
          table,” said Prigi, who actively promotes the campaign   was his daughters who keep his spirit to always fight
          of #StopMakanPlastik (Stop Eating Plastic).       for the campaign: from doing music concerts in the
                                                            last 20 years, to cleaning Sanur beach from as much
          Through this film, the directors Dandhy Laksono and   as 93 millions of plastic straws per day! Although we
          Rahung  Nasution  successfully  bothered  us  as the   know that plastic waste can take up to 50-100 years to
          audiences with one inevitable fact: every minute, one   decompose.                          Ramdan Malik

                         5th EDITION 2021
                         5th EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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