Page 19 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
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had gained many achievements in skill competition those with special needs.
of local, national and international level. One of the
achievements she made includes making students There are eight students with special needs in SMKN
of hers—Dwi Puspa Ningrum, Annisa Novia Sirait, 57, one of which has to meet her in person before
Heni Jayanti and Anggun—to earn award from school time starts. “If this child doesn’t meet me even
Fashion Technology Skills Competition in local, just for a day, he won’t be going to study. Hence, I
national and international scales such as ASEAN always try to go to school every day even if I have
and World Skills. “I was proud and thrilled, knowing duty somewhere outside the school,” said Eti.
they have succeeded and represented the school,
the city of Jakarta and our country Indonesia in this For her special concern and care to special needs
prestigious award,” explained Eti. students, Eti received award from the Ministry of
Education and Culture and wrote her experiences
Such events made Eti believed she leads a happy, into a scientific paper on inclusive children. “I learnt a
colorful life. The experience of teaching and lot about sincerity and honesty from them,” she said.
assisting students become a valuable treasure for
this woman, who is a mother of three. For her, it is Eti had never expected herself to gain any of those
a noble job to teach and guide students, especially awards. For her, the chance to become a civil servant
alone is already a blessing, it’s like a dream come
“We ought to teach them things,
prepare them to face the outside
Eti Suyanti,
Head of SMKN 57 Jakarta
Eti Suyanti
breeds group
of champions
in certain skill
competitions, in
local, national
and even
Dharma W.
5th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta