Page 18 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
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for making clothes never ceases, she took fashion
study at IKIP Jakarta. “From there, I eventually became
vacational teacher in fashion,” she told JaKita.
Like A Dream Came True
Her career began when she became a teacher at
SMKN (state vocational school) 37 in South Jakarta.
She was asked to run a special class by submitting
Eti Suyanti, M.Pd proposal to Ministry of Education and Culture first.
When she got the support, she opened embroidery
class which then became the icon of SMKN 37 ever
Name : Eti Suyanti, M.Pd Eti admitted that she was satisfied with all of the
Place, date of birth : Depok, September 23, 1975 achievements she gained during the 21 years of
EDUCATION dedication in educational world. From 2012 to 2015, she
SD Muhammadiyah Meruyung
SMP Muhammadiyah XIX Sawangan
SMA Sejahtera 1 Depok
IKIP Jakarta
Magister in Administration in Education, UHAMKA
Doctoral Candidate at Management in Islamic
Education, Muhammadiyah University Jakarta
Second place in Jakarta SPMI 2019
Adiwiyata National School 2017
Adiwiyata Independent School 2019
Kasubag Prestasi, South Jakarta
First winner LKS National Pastry Cook
Second winner LKS National Restaurant Service
Adiwiyata Independent School 2017
First winner Cooking LKS National 2017
First winner Beauty LKS National 2017
First winner Pastry Cook LKS National 2016
Infografis/Tommy K.R
5th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta