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                                                                                 ART & CULTURE           25


                                                                     Betawi oral literature originating from
                                                                     Middle East.

          in education, unity, love for the environment and also     Sohibul Hikayat derived from Arabic,
          entertainment. “Sohibul Hikayat is usually delivered       means “the owner of the story”
          in casual, intimate, simple but interesting way, with      Brought in prose with several stanzas.
          languange style that is easy to comprehend,” Yahya
          told JaKita.                                               Usually narrates Persian stories including
                                                                     A Tale of 1001 Nights, Nurul Laila and Alfu
          Oftentimes,  Sohibul  Hikayat  is  brought  with  proses   Lail wal Lail.
          and stanzas. The storyteller will also put comedic         Person who brings Sohibul hikayat is
          tone in the dialog, which suits to the characters in       called storyteller or Hikayat teller.
          the story. “To watch Sohibul Hikayat is like watching
          a film; instead of the visual imagery, we will be
          seeing the imagination created by the storytellers,”
          explained Yahya.

          Hence, it is a must for a storyteller to be able to create                          Infographic: Tommy K.R.
          imagination for the audiences. That includes details
          like describing how beautiful the character of Laila is,
          or to create real tension when there are conflicts in   only performed on stages but also digitally: the show
          the story. According to Yahya, the goal is to manage   is often aired through Youtube and podcast. It was an
          the audience’s emotion in every show.              attempt to introduce the show, which became rare
                                                             today, to the millennial generation.
          In the middle of the show, the Hikayat teller will have
          several  minutes  to  go  offstage  to  have  some  rest.   The same thing is done by Fandhi Baskara, a
          “When it’s time to go offstage, the storyteller and the   Betawi  artist.  He  perform  Sohibul  Hikayat  digitally
          audiences will usually enjoy the meal provided by the   through podcast. Oftentimes, the stories he brought
          host,” said Yahya.                                 is not merely the old ones. “It needs a little bit of
                                                             improvisation in delivering Sohibul Hikayat. Don’t just
          Sohibul Hikayat is often performed in many special   bring it for the older adults, but also for the younger
          events including wedding parties. The show will lasts   generations,” said Fandhi.
          for  hours.  Thus,  the  storyteller  has  to  possess  great
          physical toughness, since they have to be sitting   Today,  Fandhi  claimed there are many  people  who
          cross-legged throughout the show.                  are interested in becoming the storyteller—a good
                                                             sign for preserving Sohibul Hikayat. He hoped many
          Going Digital                                      Betawi sanggar (art studios) will serve as a home for
                                                             those willing to learn about this literature.
          Yahya was grateful that today, Sohibul Hikayat is not                                           gro

                                                                                                       5th EDITION 2021
                                                                                                       5th EDITION 2021
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