Page 29 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 29
The Origin of
Ice Cream
ntil this day, the origin of ice cream is
Ustill debatable. A source believes that ice
cream first appeared during the era of Roman
Emperor Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (Nero)
in year 64. The Emperor wanted to have cold
dessert hence he was served with crushed
snow smeared with nectar, fruit syrup and
on sticks and in cups for around 5,000 pieces each Another source believes that ice cream
per day. They also take orders for special events like originated in China in year 700, when the Tang
birthday party, wedding or other special events. King from Shang Kingdom received a bowl of
snow in his dinner meal. The snow was served
The price of Baltic ice cream on stick will vary from with milk, juice and honey and later known
Rp6,500 to Rp7,500 depends on the chocolate layer in as xuebaite. As the king loved it, this dessert
it, while for the cup ones is also varied from Rp6,500 became popular throughout the kingdom.
to Rp8,500 depends on the topping you choose. There
are also two available types of cup, the 750 ml for Other account claims that around year 1254,
Rp67,000 and the 1 litre cup for Rp74,000. Marcopolo got ice cream-like recipes from
China. During that year, Italian people had
If you don’t feel like driving, you can just order the their own syrup which Marcopolo used over
ice cream online, which takes minimum order of Rp his ice cream. The recipe then spread to many
300,000 with delivery charge of Rp20,000 on average. countries in Europe.
Don’t worry for it won’t melt, since the ice cream will
be packed along with chunks of ice cubes to keep it The original recipe was later become modified;
cold for three hours. You can also order the ice cream they added milk and cream instead of just
through online commercial sites, since they do online syrup, which also adds the ice cream flavor.
selling from a year ago. The sweet and delicious ice cream-like food
became softer in texture, until the British calls
One of customers at Baltic ice cream shop, Nadia it ice cream.
Hanafi, admitted that she knew the ice cream shop
from her mother-in-law. Her husband’s family likes In America, ice cream fever emerged during
to buy the ice cream at least once a month. In fact, the invention of ice cream machine in the 19th
when his husband married her 10 years ago, Baltic century. 76 years later, the first ice cream
ice cream became one of the desserts provided at kiosk was built and launched in New York.
their wedding party. Another loyal customer of Baltic, In Indonesia, ice cream was first introduced
Shierly Kusumadewi, said she always misses this during the Dutch colonial era. Back then,
legendary ice cream, especially when she was in blue the cold-dessert is considered luxurious and
days. This mother of two always love durian for her expensive, therefore, only the Dutches can
ice cream flavor. yen enjoy them.
5th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta