Page 32 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 32


                                  Protect Yourself

                Keep Implementing 3Ws and PHBS*

                               According to Governor Regulation No.3/2021


             Use mask           Stay at least      Wash hands with         Limit outdoor           Stay
               when              one meter         soap and running        activities and         home if
               going             away from         water before and        go out only to         you get
             outdoors              others          after each activity     run urgent or           sick

           Limit outdoor           Avoid                  Avoid              Exercise               Eat
             activity if           crowds               sharing              regularly           healthy
            you are at                                  personal                                    and
           higher risk of                                 items                                 balanced
           contracting                                                                              diet
            the disease

                                       Pemprov DKI Jakarta     @DKIJakarta
       *) Clean and Healthy Lifestyle
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