Page 29 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 29
From Carbs to Medicine
Hence, just like ketupat babanci, bubur jali
becomes rare Betawi dish because the
uncommon availability of their ingredients.
If bubur jali needs the uncommon jali seeds, ali (Coix lacryma-Jobi L.) is a type of tropical
ketupat babanci needs the rare kedaung (types Jplant of the family Poaceae. It is native to
of legume), botor (winged bean), tai angin plant Eastern Asia and Malaya, but now introduced
and other ingredients that are uncommon and worldwide. In international trade, the seeds
hard to be found in the markets. are known as Chinese pearl wheat.
Actually, you can find raw jali seeds in several Agency for Agricultural Research and
markets such as Pasar Senen in Central Jakarta Development at Ministry of Agriculture has
and Pasar Glodok in West Jakarta. If you run recorded the plant is spreaded through
out of them in those markets, heads up to wet Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Java
markets in South Tangerang. islands. It is grown well at environment in dry
and wet climates.
Alternatively, you can just buy the cooked version
of bubur jali dish at Warung Bukti Mentjos. This In West Java, jali plant can be found in Bandung
jamu kiosk located in Salemba Tengah number Regency, Sumedang, Sukabumi, Garut, Ciamis
48, Senen, Central Jakarta, is probably the only and Indramayu. There are two varities of this
kiosk in the city to sell bubur jali. You can have a crop: Lacryma jobi and Coix lacryma jobi var.
cup of it for 17,000 rupiahs, which you can enjoy Lacryma jobi has hard, white shell with oval
at the kiosk or ordering it through Go Food app shape, which is used as beads. Another one,
for 21,500 rupiahs per cup. called Coix lacryma jobi var, is edible and used
medicinally in China.
According to the seller of Warung Bukti Mentjos
named Yuli Ati, bubur jali is the bestselling ones. As shown from Ministry of Agriculture research,
Every day, there will always people who come the Mayuen seeds contain nutrient as equal to
for it. Thus, bubur jali usually becomes the first rice. For every 100 grams of it, there are 76.4%
to be sold out among any other porridge dishes carbs, 14.1% protein, 7.9% unsaturated fats
available in the kiosk. and 54 mg calcium.
Not only it is consumed as food, jali seeds are
also used medicinally as drug. The Sundanese
called them Hanjeli, a medicine used for
laxatives and anti-tumor. The active ingredients
in the drug, coixenolide, are obtained from the
seeds and the plant’s root extract .
4th EDITION 2021
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Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta