Page 28 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 28


                                                                 “Jali becomes forgotten and
                                                                 neglected along with the rapid
                                                                 development of Jakarta.”

                                                                 Yahya Andi Saputra,
                                                                 Betawi cultural practitioner

                                                                 ate  bubur jali. He thought it was because
                                                                 jali seeds are rare, since no one has
                                               Bukti Manjos,     ever cultivate the seeds. “Jali becomes
                                               a kiosk which
                                               sells the         forgotten  and  neglected  along  with  the
                                               precious bubur    rapid development of Jakarta,”  said Yahya.
                                                                 When he was a kid, he told JaKita, he would
                                              Credit:            easily find jali trees everywhere, be it in the
                                              Safran H.          rice field areas, on the riverbanks or near the
                                                                 streets. He used the seeds as toy, which he
                                                                 brought to play with his friends. Sometimes,
                                                                 he  made  the  seeds  strung  like  a  necklace
                                                                 or tasbih (prayer beads).

                                                                 Previously, bubur jali was usually served as
                                                                 a substitute meal for Betawinese breakfast.
                                                                 It was also served as takjil meal during
                                                                 Ramadan. Today, Betawinese tend to find
                                                                 alternative dishes since it is not easy to find
                                                                 jali seeds. They started to replace  bubur
                                                                 jali with  kolak pisang or  biji salak, which
                                                                 ingredients are always available in stores,
                                                                 both in wet or modern markets.

                         4th EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
         Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
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