Page 25 - JaKita 04rd Edition 2021
P. 25

                                                                                 ART & CULTURE           25

          It is unfortunate, since Betawi Karawitan is                               Karawitan
          actually the most unique of other regions’
          Karawitan music, like Sundanese or Javanese
          Karawitan. “There is a touch of Chinese in our
          Betawi Karawitan,” explained the man, who
          is popularly known as Andi Mamit Padul. For
          him, the most outstanding feature in Betawi                Is considered identical with folk music
          Karawitan music is the style in Gambang
          Kromong or the  liaw. The instruments mostly               70% influenced by Chinese culture
          played in pentatonic tone: the  gambang,
          kromong, kong-a-hian, teh-hian, su-kong,                   The instrument set consists of gam-
          bangsing  or  suling  (flute),  gong  and  kempul,         bang, kromong, kong-a-hian, teh-
          Gong Enam, kecrek or pan, ningnong or sio-lo,              hian, sukong, gong, ningnong, kecrek,
          and gendang.                                               kempul
                                                                     Musical skill being passed down from
          He explained that cultural art of Betawi,                  generation to generation
          including the Karawitan, is especially influenced
          by the Chinese culture. For example, Gambang
          Kromong has instruments that are red in color,
          which represents prosperity. “The instruments
          itself were named in Chinese, like Kong-a-hian,                                      Infographic: Tommy K.R.
          Teh-hian and Su-kong. You can’t rename them,”
          said Andi in his thick Betawi dialect.             Kromong art school.

          It is unfortunate that people seems to             It needs regeneration to preserve the culture,
          underestimate Betawi Karawitan as traditional      means  the  music  needs  to  be  introduced
          music, despite being the cultural asset and        to  the next  generations.  “I have passed on
          heritage of the nation. “It is upsetting to know   my knowledge of this culture to the younger
          our traditional music is being appreciated         generations,” said Andi.
          anywhere but in our own land,” he said.
                                                             He, who also serves as the head of expertise and
          Driven  by  that  concern,  he  founded  Betawi    competency at SMK 57 Ragunan, said that it is
          cultural sanggar (studio). As a Betawinese         time for Betawi Karawitan to expand, to be no
          artist, Andi thinks he has the responsibility to   longer valued as old and outdated. “It’s us who
          protect the traditional music of Betawi. “If not us   have to move forward to introduce and teach
          as Betawinese, who else would let people know      the millennials our Betawi Karawitan music,”
          that we have a magnificent piece of art?” said     stressed Andi.
          the man who dream of establishing Gambang                                                      sya

                                                                                                       4th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Information Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta         4th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarormation Media of The Provincial Government of Jakarta
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakartaana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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