Page 8 - Mediajaya 11 Edition 2020
P. 8
Asian Development Bank. point to prioritize pedestrians and cyclists
in every roads in the city. It also mentions
The chosen cities are those which able to the regulation to impose offices, malls to
perform city’s mobility and transporta- terminals to provide park areas for bicycle.
tion development during the preceding 18
months. Besides Jakarta, the previous city A Laboratory for City Transport
winners were Guanzhou, China, San Fran-
sisco, United States of America, Mexico Djoko Setijowarno, Head of Advocacy of In-
City, Mexico and many other big cities. Last donesian Transportation Society (MTI) said
year, the winner was Pune city, India. the winning of Jakarta in STA 2021 made
the city a proper model for urban trans-
Senior Communication & Partnership Man- portation in Indonesia. Other big cities in
ager at ITDP Indonesia, Fani Rachmita said the country should no longer go abroad to
in her written release that the winning of study the transport system, but to take ref-
Jakarta was because of the integrat- erences from Jakarta which had success-
ed transport service development; Jakar- fully adopted them and made it as solu-
ta was quite ambitious in it, and has suc- tions for its own transport system.
ceeded in connecting the transportation
8 systems for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), micro- However, Djoko mentioned that Jakarta
bus service (angkot) and other modes, for still have some homeworks to finish, such
its physical development and also its pay- as the safety and convenience for cyclists.
ment system. Some terminals need to be revamped, too,
like Tanjong Priok terminal and Kampung
The integration, which had successful- Rambutan terminal.
ly developed under the JakLingko scheme,
allows the passengers to use various types He also hoped that the policy regarding
of public transport modes with fixed rates. the electronic road pricing (ERP) can be
The presence of Jakarta’s MRT and LRT also implemented to replace the odd-even pol-
adds up the options for the residents of icy, which is quite ineffective to solve the
Jakarta to use public transportation. The jam. He mentioned that the transport sys-
electric buses operates by Transjakarta, tem should be supported with IT-based
stations and bus stops revitalization, re- law enforcement, namely electronic traffic
vamping area for integrated transit sta- law enforcement (ETLE), which can help the
tions also added up the point for Jakarta role of traffic officers. “It is more transpar-
to win the award. ant and accountable,” said Djoko who is
also the Head of Civil Engineering Study at
According to Fani, Jakarta had aslo made a Soegijapranata Catholic University, Sema-
significant change on the pedestrian lanes rang.
and were more supportive to eco-friendly
transport modes like bicycle. The govern- Djoko hopes if all of the integration pro-
ment had built approximately 63 km long cess: the physical integration, scheduling
bike lanes, which will be expanded to 500 and payment system runs smoothly, pub-
km long. lic will own one ticket only to use all of the
public transport modes. They can buy tick-
Last June, the Governor of Jakarta Anies et subscription daily, weekly or monthly as
Baswedan also issued a Gubernatori- they please.
al Regulation No.51/2020 which includes a yen/nis