Page 5 - Mediajaya 11 Edition 2020
P. 5

DAftar isi

                                                                 14    A Real Collaboration

                                                                       Collaboration between the Jakarta government
                                                                       with stakeholders is what it takes to fasten the
                                                                       integration in transportation.

                                                                  16   Priority in Road Services

                                                                       The city sets priority for pedestrians, public
                                                                       transport and eco-friendly vehicles for its
                                                                       revamp activity.

                                                                         Latest Innovations in Jakarta
                                                                           1.       3.        6.       9.
                                                                           Integration system in   Revitalization and sidewalk   Provide GOWES bike sharing   Station revamps
                                                                           transport modes (MRT, LRT,   revamps in 25 protocol roads,   in 9 parking spots with 200
                                                                           TransJakarta, KRL, Mikrotrans)  arterial roads and connecting   bicycle units.  Pasar Senen station
                                                                                    roads.             (Transjakarta- KRL)
                                                                           2.       4.        7.       Juanda station
                                                                           Revitalizations and integration in   Transform Kendal tunnel to be   Information boards, signages   (Transjakarta- KRL)
                                                                           bus stops.  convenient pedestrian lanes   and wayfindings installation in   Tanah Abang station
                                                                                    and to connect four transport
                                                                                              28 bus stops (non-BRT),
                                                                           Pemuda Rawamangun bus stop   modes (MRT-KRL-Airport   regular bus stops and integrat-  (Transjakarta- KRL)
                                                                           (integrated Transjakarta – Jakarta   Train-Transjakarta).  ed stations.
                                                                           LRT).                       Sudirman station
                                                                           Bundaran HI bus stop (integrat-  5.  8.  Line-Airport Train)
                                                                           ed Transjakarta – MRT).  Building bicycle lanes in   Electric bus launch  and trial as   10.
                                                                           Tosari bus stop (integrated KRL -   22 roads (for 63 kilometers)   public transport modes that   Develop Electronic Fare
                                                                                    throughout Jakarta.
                                                                                              are eco-friendly.
                                                                           Transjakarta – MRT).        Collection (EFC) as integrated
                                                                                                       payment system between
                                                                           Lebak Bulus bus stop        modes.
                                                                           (integrated Transjakarta – MRT).
                                                                                                           Transportasi lebih hemat
                                                                                 KML007  KML007  KML007    Terintegrasi dengan hebat
                                                                                  Gratis Rp 0,- Satu Kartu untuk  Semua Perjalanan  Rp 0,- Satu Kartu untuk  Semua Perjalanan Gratis  Rp 0,- Gratis Semua Perjalanan Satu Kartu untuk
       6   Jakarta’s Transportation: The Best In The                   Latest Innovations in Jakarta
           Jakarta has successfully wins Sustainable Transport Award 2021.   18  Transportation
           Will it be enough to make it a model for city transportation?
                                                                       What are the innovations set by the
                                                                       Jakarta government, in order to develop an
                                                                       eco-friendly transportation?
                                                                  20   To Go Long Way with
                                                                       Not only for the purpose of exercising, biking
                                                                       used as to transport to the offices by many of
                                                                       the residents of Jakarta.

       10   Innovations to               Read our interview with PT                    MAIL
            Develop The            12 Transjakarta President                           JL. Medan Merdeka Selatan 8-9
            Transportation               Director Sardjono Jhony                       Jakarta 10110
            Several innovations has      Transjakarta Units Will Be
            been done by the Jakarta     Electrical in 2030
            government in order to                                                    TELEPhONe
            enhance the transportation                                                 (021) 3822047
            system in our beloved city.                                                (021) 3822975
            What are they?
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