Page 10 - Mediajaya 11 Edition 2020
P. 10
TOP REPORT Innovations To Develop The
Several innovations made by the government of
Jakarta to develop the capital’s transport system. Start
from the microbus integration, revamping for
public transport area to the development of
eco-friendly electric buses.
he governor of Jakarta Anies Baswe- Jakarta government also revamped sever-
dan currently become trending topic al bus stops to make them integrated with
T in several social media platforms. He other transport modes such as Transja-
was being praised for his success in bring- karta, MRT, LRT and KRL. Revamp for side-
ing Jakarta as the winner of Sustainable walks also being conducted in 25 proto-
Transport Award (STA) 2021. This achieve- col and arterial roads. Furthermore, they
ment was due to the success of Jakarta to revamped stations and connected all the
do some innovations improving the quality public transport modes owned by the city
of the city transportation. with KRLs and Commuter Lines. The stations
revamped on the first stage were Tanah
For Anies, this winning belongs to the peo- Abang Station, Juanda Station, Sudirman
ple of Jakarta. It was because of their col- Station and Pasar Senen Station.
laboration with the transport activists.
Therefore, he hoped this award will be a Currently, the Jakarta government just
reminder to continue the effort to improve developed electrical buses that are en-
the transportation service. “Alhamdulillah, vironment friendly. They just held the tri-
Jakarta was chosen to be the best city in al process and Transjakarta planned on
the world for its sustainable transportation. changing all their units into using electrical
I am proud with this achievement,” he said. buses in 2030. Another breakthrough was
seen in changing the function of Kendal
For the last one and a half year, the gov- Tunnel to a pedestrian-only area, to con-
ernment of Jakarta had done some inno- nect the KRL station, MRT station, airport-
vations in transportation services, one of train station and Transjakarta bus stop.
which is by creating intregation system for
MRT, LRT, Transjakarta, commuter line (KRL) To develop a sustainable transport system,
and Microtrans. The integration made not the government of Jakarta also created bi-
only for its physical service but also its cycle lanes. Today, they have created 63
payment system. km long bike lanes in 22 roads in the city.