Page 9 - Mediajaya 08 Edition 2020
P. 9

MEDIA JAYA | 08 2020

            any  facilities,  or  building  huts  in  an   tal condition and to enhance the qual-  One of which is to issued Gubernatori-
            empty land without minding the right-  ity of residents living in that so-called   al Regulations (Pergub) No.90/2018 on
            ful regulations.                 Big Village kampung.             The  Slums  Restoration  for  Integrat-
                                                Moreover, the Jakarta government   ed Settlements Area. On this Pergub,
            Kampung Restoration              had also made relocation and revamp-  signed in August 29th, 2018, there
                                             ing for slums, and later conducted a   were approximately 445 RWs aimed to
               Pretoria Declaration on Infor-  program to build flats (rusun), both for   be the targetted location for this pro-
            mal Settlements issued in 2016 men-  owned flats (rusunami) or rented flats   gram.  Those  designated  RWs  would
            tioned the vulnerability of those lived   (rusunawa). Today, the Jakarta gov-  be organized based on its slum sever-
            in slums, who are vulnerable in so-  ernment continued to solve the slums   ity level.
            cial and economy. They are also at risk   problem by launching a new program   Previously, the Jakarta govern-
            of disasters and impacts of climate   called Enhancing The Quality  of Set-  ment had also issued Gubernatori-
            change. They tend to have poor health   tlements.                 al Decree (Kepgub) No.878/2018 on
            condition  and  prone to marginaliza-  Acting  Head of  Jakarta  Housing   Kampung and Residential Area Resto-
            tion, which unfortunately became the   and Settlement Agency , Sarjoko said   ration Task Force. The restoration will
            identity for those who live in slums. If   that the program aims to create an or-  be held gradually for 21 kampungs
            this condition left unnoticed, the qual-  ganized, adequate and human settle-  that are classified as severily inappro-
            ity of the poors will stay low at it is.   ments.  “This  is  a  community-based   priate slums, with most of them lo-
               To solve the problem, Jakarta gov-  program, means that we engage the   cated in North and West Jakarta. “The
            ernment has tried numbers of efforts   community to actively participate and   first target of the project is here at
            since couple of years ago. For exam-  collaborate to  create  this  adequate   Kampung Akuarium. We hope that it’ll
            ple, they have conducted a restoration   settlement,” he said in the ground-  be finished in December, so the res-
            program for Kampung Jakarta, which   breaking ceremony of Kampung   idents will get their own houses and
            was known as Mohammad Husni      Akuarium in mid August.          able to live and grow as proper Jakar-  9
            Thamrin Project or MHT Project. The   The Jakarta government, he con-  tans in this kampung,” ended Sarjoko.
            project was initially began in 1969 and   tinued, has regulated several law and
            was aimed to restore the environmen-  regulations related to the program.                     yen/nis

                                                                                                  planning mockup for
                                                                                                  Kampung Akuarium,
                                                                                                  North Jakarta.
                                                                                                  2. Number of
                                                                                                  children are playing
                                                                                                  in the front yard at
                                                                                                  one of the resident’s
                                                                                                  house in Kampung
                                                                                                  Akuarium, Penjarin-
                                                                                                  gan, North Jakarta.
                                                                                                Dharma W.
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