Page 8 - Mediajaya 08 Edition 2020
P. 8
TOP REPORT Projection of Population Growth in Jakarta risk areas like riversides, watersheds,
hills or areas within hazardous indus-
tries. “To push the expense of living in
1.09 %
the cities, they tried to build their own
0.9 %
0.72 % houses in an area not common for
settlements. The types of houses vary,
0.50 % from huts or shacks made of nondu-
0.26 % rable materials to permanent houses.
These houses would cause slums,”
she wrote. According to her, the exis-
2010- 2015 2015- 2020 2020-2025 2020-2025 2020-2025 tence of these slums were highly re-
lated to the increase of city population,
which was caused by the urbanization
trend conducted by the villagers with
Estimation of Settlement Composition in
Indonesia 71.89 75.77 79.26 82.37 poor economy and education.
Meanwhile, Soetjipto Wirosardjo-
no in his book The Urbanization Prob-
51.61 48.39 45.81 54.19 40.65 59.35 36.16 63.84 32.34 67.66 lems and Impacts on Living Quality
wrote that urban cities in Indonesia
are in fact incapable to accomodate
those urban populations, which grows
Since 1950, Jakarta has faced the
8 28.11 24.23 20.74 17.63 rapidly as the impact of urbanization
trend of rapid population growth. In
1950, total residents in Jakarta was
2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
1,600,000 people and began to in-
Percentage of population Percentage of population crease to 4 millions in the end of 1960.
in rural areas in urban areas Infographic/Tommy.K.R
Today, total residents of Jakarta has
reached to more than 10 millions peo-
ple. It is estimated that the number
will continue to rise, as well as the
in the same sub-district as Kampung criteria for slums. Those criteria used urbanization trend. National Devel-
Marlina. to assess the condition of things seen opment Planning Agency (Bappenas)
from the aspect of the building, the and Statistics Indonesia (BPS) through
Urbanization street access, waste management, its “Projection of Indonesia’s Popu-
waste water management, drainage lation in 2010-2035” paper issued in
The condition we see in Kampung and the provision of drinking water, 2013 has estimated that the urban-
Elektro, Kampung Marlina and Kam- also the provision of facilities and in- ization level of Jakarta in 2035 will be
pung Gedong Pompa is only a glimpse frastructure for protection system over 80%, higher than the national ur-
of what occurs in all of the slums in when disaster happens, like flooding banization level, which is estimated
Jakarta. From the data of Jakarta Sta- or fire. to be 66.6%. Moreover, the population
tistics (BPS) in 2017, 445 RWs or 86% A researcher at Indonesian Insti- in Jakarta was estimated to be more
of all the RW in Jakarta were catago- tute of Sciences (LIPI) for demogra- than 11 millions people.
rized as slums, with 15 RWs (3.37%) phy, Mita Noveria, stated in her paper The imbalance of the highly mi-
of them were mentioned as severely about The Urbanization Phenome- grated people and the limited capac-
poor slums. non and Policy for Housing and Set- ity to accomodate them with healthy
Generally, slums are unsuit- tlement Provision in Indonesia that and affordable housings by the gov-
able for a living condition. According slums are universal phenomenon oc- ernment caused more people to fill
to the Government Regulation (PP) curs in many of urban cities in devel- the already-densely settlement areas.
No.14/2016 on Organization of Hous- oping countries. It was estimated that They will be staying in their families,
ing and Settlement Areas, there are 7 millions of poors in it lived in a high- relatives, rent a cheap house without