Page 4 - Mediajaya 08 Edition 2020
P. 4


                                   Model for Urban

                                       qualid villages (kampungs) or slums has been one
                                       of the problems that the government need to cope,
                                   Sincluding those in Jakarta Greater Area. Various ef-  CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                   forts had been done by the Jakarta government to solve   OFFICER
                                   the problem, one of them is by launching a program to   The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                   enhance the quality of settlements.
                                      Through this program, Jakarta government wants to   CHIEF OPERATING
                                   fulfill residents’ rights and hopes for having proper and   OFFICER
                                   adequate housings. According  to Gubernatorial Instruc-  Secretary of The Provincial
                                   tion (Kepgub) No.878/2018 on the kampung and residen-  Government of DKI Jakarta
                                   tial area restoration task force, there are 21 kampungs the   Assistant Secretary of The
                                   Jakarta government needs to revamp.                 Provincial Government of
                                     One of the 21 kampungs is Kampung Akuarium in Pen-  DKI Jakarta
              jaringan, North Jakarta. This project will be a pillar in kampung revitalization in Jakarta
              and hence become a model for urban kampung. Therefore, not only they will rebuild   DIRECTOR
              the kampung area, but also the quality of the residents: in social, culture and economic   Head of Communication,
              aspects.                                                                 Information and Statistics of
                 The restoration concept for Kampung Akuarium will be a collaborative work be-  DKI Jakarta
              tween the Jakarta administration and the residents themselves: they will be invited to
              actively participate in the process, from the planning to deciding what’s being needed.    GUARANTOR
              Only then they will grow and develop to be residents who keep their appealing kampung   Head of Public
              characteristics.                                                         Communication

                                                                                       EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                       Head of Media and Public
                                                                                       Communication Section
                                                                                       DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                       Evi Yulianti
                                                                                       MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                       Bambang Widodo
         COVID-19 MASS TESTING                                                         Nanik I
                                                                                       Irawan P
         Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta,                                                     REPORTERS
                                                                                       Ari Muslim
                                                                                       Hans AS
         Assalamualaikum wr. wb                                                        Fenny B
                                                                                       T. Aifan
         Recently, total number of COVID-19 positive cases are gradually increasing. Is there   Dr. Rosma
         any criteria to join COVID-19 mass testing? Thank you.                        Fenti
                                                                                       Devina Ivo
                                                                                       Difa Restiasari
         Syahrul Anwar
         Ciracas, East Jakarta                                                         PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                       Safran Hasibuan
         Answer                                                                        Widhiyanto W
                                                                                       CREATIVE TEAM
         Dear, Syahrul Anwar
                                                                                       Tommy Kusuma R
                                                                                       Fandy Adam
         As stated in the website of Jakarta Provincial Government, there are three criteria of   Anggia Anggun
         people to have rapid test: First, for people who are in close contact with low risk or   Chaidar Izet
         having contact with patients under surveillance. Second, for people who are in close   Asep Setiadi
         contact with high risk or with confirmed COVID-19 patients. Third, for people who are   SECRETARIAT
         under observation and having COVID-19 symptoms like fever, cough, and shortness of   Jose Rizal
         breath, or having travel history or staying abroad.                           Andik F
         Editorial Team
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