Page 9 - JaKita 06th Edition 2021
P. 9
Professor of Economics at Tarumanegara University,
Carunia Mulya Firdausy appraised that a harmonic
duet of programs and policy making for health and
economic recovery is what it takes to recover Jakarta
economy. It is a key that the Jakarta government
should take care of. According to him, stimulus
package for business owners such as tax breaks and
interest rate reduction needs further support in the
form of policies and coordinating program. It can
be a business support adaptation or acceleration in
digital marketing, also collaborative support between
business owners as to broaden target market.
Support should also be given to business owners so
they could do repositioning, retargeting and shifting
product folio. For those having small businesses,
supports can be delivered through merger and
acquisition scheme so they can develop the
business, as well as create a conducive social-
economy ecosystem to public. “The integrated
entrepreneurship development (PKT) program
known as Jakpreneur has to be running continuously,
of course by implementing strict health protocols,”
said Carunia, who is also a professor at Economics
Research Centre at Indonesian Institute of Sciences
As a man working in one of the sectors being
contracted due to pandemic, Sutrisno Iwantono,
Chairman of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants
Association (PHRI) concurred with Carunia Mulya.
He believed that synergized program in health and
economic recovery would be the key if we want to
accelerate economic recovery in Jakarta. “As for
ensuring that we could control COVID-19, we should
conduct vaccination program towards every worker
in tourism sector, including those in hotels and
restaurants. By ensuring their health, we could do
any upcoming program safely, including the plan for
developing MICE industry, which has great potential
in improving the economy,” said Sutrisno. to strengthen and empower UMKM (micro, small
and medium enterprise) owners affected by the
The Jakarta provincial government alone has always pandemic, allowing them to collaborate with
conducting various programs in order to achieve the numerous partners. The festival, which is also a part
“Jakarta Bangkit” goal. In January 15 , the government of Jakarta anniversary’s events, aims to give broaden
started vaccination programs by giving it gradually connection and fresh mindset to improve sales
to public. It currently in the third phase, which targets for those already running their business, as well as
general public aged 18 and over. giving chance for those who have yet to start a new
business. Today, there has been 235,387 business
In economic sector, Jakarta provincial government owners who joined Jakpreneur program.
has been organizing Jakpreneur Fest 2021 in order sam/yen
6th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta