Page 9 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 9

TOP REPORT             9

          Since it is still in early phase, government of Jakarta   how to reduce, sort and recycle waste. By applying the
          had only established 147 RWs as pilot locations    strategy, total waste delivered to TPST Bantargebang
          to implement this strategy. If it is successful,   will also reduce. In 2020, the total waste transported
          they will apply the strategy to neighboring RWs    to Bantargebang has successfully reduced to 22.44%
          and subdistricts. “In developed countries, waste   (equals to 685,000 tons of waste), eventhough the
          management runs smoothly in their community level.   strategy had not been implemented. According to
          In fact, they have good awareness on the importance   Rommel, the decrease in total waste was due to the
          of sorting and recycling waste,” Agung told JaKita.  running system under the coordination of Indonesian
                                                             Ministry of Environment and Forestry. As for this year,
          However, it is not easy to reach the same level of   they are targetting decrease for at least 24%.
          awareness as theirs, since it requires years of process.
          In fact, developed countries such as Singapore and   Increase Information
          Japan which often become the pilot countries in Asia
          had started the process tens of years ago.         Founder of Indonesia Solid Waste Association (INSWA)
                                                             Sri Bebassari said in order to create tradition of
          Targetting 24 Percent                              sorting waste from its sources, it is important to make
                                                             known of the regulation on waste management (such
          Jakarta Environment Agency’s head of sanitation    as governor instruction no.107/2019 and regulation
          management section, Rommel Pasaribu said all       no.77/2020) to all residents. She believes Jakarta can
          this time, Jakarta residents’ contribution in waste   follow Singapore which always become a pilot city for
          management is to put all their waste in place. They   waste management system in Southeast Asia.
          are  not  used to  reduce,  sort  out  and recycle  the
          waste, yet. “That is why a support in regulating policy   “There are five aspects required for the city to have
          is needed, to fasten the process,” Rommel said in our   good waste management  system: law,  institutions,
          phone conversation.                                funding, social culture, and technology. If all of the
                                                             five aspects are completed, Jakarta has no other
          Today, the RWs designated for this pilot program had   reason for taking too long to change,” said Sri.
          been receiving technical guidance and trainings on                                    sam/yen/sya

                                                                                                       5th EDITION 2021
                                                                                       Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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