Page 10 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 10
Extra Value in
Waste Management
Several breakthroughs were made by the citizens of Jakarta in order to reduce waste
from its sources. Not only it will reduce total of waste produced but also to add extra
value in economics.
A personnel
from activity
management unit
(UPK) of Cipayung
Water Agency
recycles organic
waste from the
surroundings of
Tiu Reservoir to be
Dharma W.
utik Sri Susilowati never gets tired. She was 10 RW 02, North Petukangan, Pesanggrahan, South
determined to make her environment free from Jakarta are getting used to sorting waste in their
T waste, which explains why she always asked area and recycling them to be colorful handicrafts,
every neighbor to manage waste, from reducing, like those colored dry leaves.
sorting them out and recycling them to be good
items with economic value. She, who is often called Umi Tutik Asmawi, has been
doing this since 2007. She sorted waste based on
Thanks for her hard work, today the residents in RT its types and asked her neighbors to do the same.
5th EDITION 2021
Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta