Page 6 - JaKita 05 th Edition 2021
P. 6


         Kupilah*, Strategy for

         Jakarta Waste Problem

          *) Kurangi, Pilih, Olah – Reduce, Sort, Recycle

          Waste management from the sources become a new
          concept in our capital city of Jakarta.

                                 ewi Wulandari, a young mother living   early as possible. She, who earned degree in
                                 at Cakung, East Jakarta, patiently     education, wanted her children to be wise in
                           D explained the meaning of the colors        managing their waste in the future.
                            of each trash bin at the corner of her house
                            to her toddler: the green one is for easy to   For a city as big and congested as Jakarta,
                            decompose waste like food waste, grass,     waste management has always been a major
                            leaves and such. The yellow one is for non-  issue to address. From the data of Jakarta
                            organic waste such as plastic, glass and    Environment Agency, waste production in
                            cans. While the red one is for hazardous and   the city has reached 7,400 tons per day.
                            toxic waste (B3 waste) like used batteries,   During Ramadan, total of waste generated
                            detergents,  insect  repellent  and  its  kinds.   was even higher by 20%. 60 percent of it
                            Dewi said it is important to make her       came from residential areas, which covered
                            children aware of waste management as       2,742 community units (RW), with most of the

                         5th EDITION 2021        5th EDITION 2021
         Sarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI JakartaSarana Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
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