Page 4 - JaKita 10th Edition 2021
P. 4
The Governor of DKI Jakarta
Integrasi Transportasi CHIEF OPERATING
Secretary of The Provincial
e can’t doubt the commitment of Jakarta Government of DKI Jakarta
government in providing a safe and adequate Assistant Secretary of The
Wpublic transportation service, as they have Provincial Government of DKI
been providing numbers of transportation services. In Jakarta
fact, they have also built integrated system between DIRECTOR
modes for Jabodetabek’s public transport, in order to Head of Communication,
facilitate the users to switch modes in a convenience Information and Statistics of
and safe way. By revamping several train stations, they DKI Jakarta
intend to integrate all transport modes in the Capital GUARANTOR
City of Jakarta, from TransJakarta, Commuter Line Head of Public Communication
(KRL), MRT to LRT.
Furthermore, the integration made not only in the EDITOR IN CHIEF
form of its physical, services and routing system but also its payment system. Head of Media and Public
Communication Section
With the JakLingko card and app, we are served with an integrated trip with an
affordable price. DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
Through this integrated transport system, it is expected to encourage more Evi Yulianti
people to use public transportation and thus reduce congestion level in the city. At
last, the city’s hope to have a safe and adequate public transportation finally comes EXCLUSIVE EDITOR
Nuruli Khotimah
Bambang Widodo
Nanik Ismawati
Peri Irawan
Entering Ancol Amusement Park
Muslim Ambari
Dear Jakarta government,
Hans Arthur Sinjal
Fenny Yanti Lukman Budiman
Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Tegar Rizqon Alfian
Numbers of recreational parks have already been reopened, including the Ancol Dian Riski Rosmayanti
Fenty Risya Wardhanny
Dreamland Park. Thus, I would like to ask whether children under 12 years old
can enter the park and if there is any requirement for it? TRANSLATOR
Difa Restiasari
Peni Triastuti
Safran Hasibuan
Dharma Wijayanto
Dear Peni Triastuti, CREATIVE TEAM
Tommy Kusuma R
As seen from the @ancoltamanimpian Instagram, children under 12 years old Fandy Adam
are allowed to enter Ancol area, accompanied by their parents/adults. Before SECRETARIAT
entering the area, make sure you have downloaded PeduliLindungi app and to Jose Rizal
buy tickets online at Andik Fitriansyah
Devina Ivo Mahendra
Editorial Team