Page 7 - Mediajaya 09 Edition 2020
P. 7

MEDIA JAYA | 09 2020

                                                        akarta is preparing to enter the
                                                        rainy season this year. According to
                                                   J the “2020-2021 Rain Prediction in In-
                                                   donesia” from the Meteorology, Climat-
                                                   alogy and  Geophysics agency  (BMKG),
                                                   the rainy season in Jakarta will gradu-
                                                   ally begin in October, reaching its peak
                                                   time in January and February next year.
                                                   For the intensity of rainfall, it is predict-
                                                   ed  that  the  area  in  East  and  South  Ja-
                                                   karta will get more than 115% of intensity,
                                                   which is more than the normal average.

                                                   Since Jakarta has long history of flood-
                                                   ings, the government has prepared for
                                                   it. It is important since this year’s season
                                                   is  more challenging  due  to  the  current
                                                   weather phenomena: La Nina in the Pa-
                                                   cific Ocean and negative phase of Indian
                                                   Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the Indian Ocean.
                                                   Both of them, according to the head of
                                                   BMKG Dwikoriita Karnawati, are potential                        7
                                                   to increase the intensity of the rainfall
                                                   by 40%. It was estimated that 27.5% from
                                                   342 seasonal zones (ZOM) in the archi-
                                                   pelago will experience wetter rainy sea-
                                                   son than the annual average for the last
                                                   30 years (period of 1981-2010). The rain-
                                                   fall intensity will be higher.

                                                   Even without the impact of La Nina and
                                                   IOD, the rainfall intensity in Jakarta area
                                                   is relatively high. When the flooding oc-
                                                   cured last January, the rainfall reached
                                                   377    mm/day.  As  a  result,  many  rivers
                                                   and  drainages were overflowed,  since
                                                   the capacity of the rivers in Jakarta only
                                                   covers 2,357 m3/second of water while
                                An aerial
                                photograph of the   the debit of water that time reached
                                Ciliwung River and
                                dense settlements   3,389 m3/second. Besides, the drainag-
                                along the riverbank   es in the city are designed to contain for
                                to the East Flood
                                Canal (BKT),       a maximum of only 120 mm water per
                              Dharma W.            Therefore, since last March the provin-
                                                   cial government of Jakarta (Pemprov
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