Page 4 - Mediajaya 09 Edition 2020
P. 4
An Instruction from
The Governor of DKI Jakarta
t’s not surprising to see flooding in Jakarta. Since CHIEF OPERATING
the colonial era, flood always occured in the pre- OFFICER
Iviously named Batavia city. The circumstances re- Secretary of The Provincial
peated as Jakarta area is located in the lowland, with Government of DKI Jakarta
13 rivers which makes it worse for the city’s flood Assistant Secretary of The
risk. Provincial Government of
Even so, the provincial government of Jakarta DKI Jakarta
(Pemprov DKI) never stop their effort to overcome
the problem. The Governor of Jakarta Anies Bas- DIRECTOR
Head of Communication,
wedan has issued a Gubernatorial Decree (Ingub) Information and Statistics of
No.52/2020 on The Acceleration of Flood Control DKI Jakarta
System Improvement during Climate Change Era. Through this decree, Anies
called on the city’s administrations, from subdistrict and district heads, the cities’ GUARANTOR
mayors to the related working units (SKPD) to take action on anticipating and Head of Public
controlling the flood. Communication
There are seven main points from the decree: one of which is the improve-
ment for detection and early warning system which is more adaptive, predictive, EDITOR IN CHIEF
smart and integrated. Anies also wants to ensure a responsive and adaptive Head of Media and Public
system for the availability of logistics and facilities in this COVID-19 pandemic Communication Section
In a matter of infrastructure, Anies called on his staffs to ensure all of the DEPUTY EDITOR IN
flood mitigation infrastructures like reservoirs, rivers, drainage systems and wa- CHIEF
ter pumps to operate at optimal capacity. He also mentioned that it is important Evi Yulianti
to nurture the community’s awareness and responsive behaviour toward flood MANAGING EDITOR
and climate change.*
Bambang Widodo
Irawan P
Mental Disorders (ODJG is Very Concerning, PHOTO EDITORS
What Should I Do? Andik F
Devina Ivo
Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta, REPORTERS
Ari Muslim
Assalamualaikum wr. wb Hans AS
Fenny B
T. Aifan
I have a neighbor with mental disorder (ODGJ). Although I guess the symp- Dr. Rosma
tom’s not severe yet but it’s very worrying since he often yells and carries Fenti
weapon. Can I ask for a prosedure regarding this circumstance so that it can Difa Restiasari
be managed by the social affairs agency?
Safran Hasibuan
Martianus Widhiyanto W
Cilincing, East Jakarta
Answer: Tommy Kusuma R
Fandy Adam
Dear Martianus, Anggia Anggun
Chaidar Izet
You can submit a report to your local subdistrict office. The fast response team Asep Setiadi
(TRC) of social treatment, observation and control (P3S) taskforce from the SECRETARIAT
Jakarta’s social affairs agency will then pick him up for further treatment. Jose Rizal
Andik F
Editorial Team