Page 21 - EDITION 1 APRIL 2020
P. 21


 TOP REPORT  Lessen The Burden

 At least 117,000 people were involved in a voluntary work to clean up trashes from
 the flood. It’s a task to help lessen the burden of all citizens affected by the flood.

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 earing  shirt  and  vest  of  Ja-  voluntary work at the affected areas in   People of Jakarta embraced his in-  Culture, also tried to give support to
 karta Disaster Management   Jakarta. “I invited all citizens of Jakar-  vitations. At least 117,000 people from   the victims. They would gave cups of
 WAgency (BPBD), Governor   ta to come and  help relieve the bur-  different backgrounds took part in the   warm tea and snacks to him in re-
 of  Jakarta  Anies  Baswedan  seemed   dens of our brothers and sisters who   voluntary works, from college stu-  turn. When it was time to rest, Anies
 engaged in cleaning up garbages   are affected by the flood,” he said.  dents, religious leaders,  civil organi-  would sit and chatted with the people.
 from the flood in Makasar village,   Anies hoped that the participations   zations, scouts, military forces (TNI/  “Thank you to all of you who were will-
 East Jakarta, January 5th. His hands,   given are not only to make the houses   Polri) and youth organizations. They   ing to come to your neighborhood and
 wrapped in rubber gloves, were full   clean,  but also to increase the spirit   worked together to clean up the mess   not bothered by the mud to help clean-
 of mud. Sweats dripping off his fore-  of togetherness among the neighbors.   caused by the flood.  ing up the mess. I salute and respect
 head.  Assisted by DKI Jakarta Secre-  “Our remaining works are to clean   The voluntary work was conduct-  all of you who chose to work for help-
 tary Saefullah and ranks of Regional   the muddy streets, houses and fur-  ed in 5 municipal administration ar-  ing others,” he said.
 Work Unit (SKPD), he was leading the   nitures. The debris from the flooding   eas: 33 subdistricts, 100 villages and   According to him, the government
 voluntary work conducted to clean up   also remained untouched. So it’s our   388 community units (RW). This is the   may only mobilize TNI or Polri to clean
 the mess after the flooding.   chance to show our emphaty and help   task to help the affected people regain   up the rest of the flooding. However,
 Since the waterflood receded,   our neighbors, ease their burden and   their normal lives.  he said that people of Jakarta wanted
 Anies had actually asked for people of   at the same time, tighten our bonds,”   In between the work, Anies who   to strengthen the social bond, so his
 Jakarta to conduct  a simulteneously   he said.  was once a Minister of Education and   party invited all of the society to help.
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