Page 23 - EDITION 1 APRIL 2020
P. 23
Berdasarkan Pergub No 3 Tahun 2020
tentang Insentif Pajak Bea Balik Nama Pembebasan pajak
Kendaraan Bermotor (BBN-KB) atas berlaku sampai
Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik (KBL)
1. The Governor of berbasis baterai (battery electric 31 Desember 2024
Jakarta Annies
Baswedan partici- vehicle) untuk transportasi jalan.
pated in a voluntary
work to clean
trashes left from
the flood in Makasar
village, East Jakarta.
2. Residents of
Makasar village in
East Jakarta were
doing voluntary work Gratis proses balik nama mobil dan Pembebasan pajak berlaku untuk
in their area.
motor yang 100 persen gunakan kendaraan hasil jual beli, tukar menukar,
Credit listrik berbasis baterai. hibah atau warisan
Humas doc.
22 23
Tidak berlaku bagi kendaraan jenis Kendaraan listrik bebas ketentuan
hybrid atau semi listrik lainnya. ganjil genap
“We will later prepare disinfectant Chairman of the Youth Organiza- or automatic road sweepers, and 100
through the network of Puskesmas, tion of Kebon Pala Village, Makasar cross-pick ups. According to him, gar-
disinfectants, which can be taken by Subdistrict, East Jakarta, Zidan bage trucks that carry waste handling Kebijakan ini adalah bagian dari 7 Inisiatif
residents free of charge, which can be Muayyad, revealed that his party after the flood will be prioritized at Jakarta untuk Udara Bersih Jakarta
used to clean the entire house and its fielded 15 of its members in an ac- Bantargebang TPST. (Ingub No 66 Tahun 2019).
environment. So, we hope our accel- tive mutual cooperation program to- “We send down almost all the
eration of recovery will be achieved,” day. He wants to speed up environ- strength, both personnel and facilities
he explained. mental cleanliness. Moreover, he said, to help flood victims clean their vil-
The Chairperson of the Karang Ta- this community service is training the lages and homes. We have prepared a
runa of the DKI Jakarta Province, Mu- youth of Jakarta to care about the en- special lane at TPST, so that the relax-
hammad Mul, admitted that he was vironment ation is more optimal,” he said.
moved to send members to participate “We would help with the only Jakarta DPD HIPPI Chairman,
in the community service work. Mem- equipment we have. Indeed, there are Sarman Simanjorang, revealed that
bers of the youth group were distrib- some shortcomings such as sacks, to a number of entrepreneurs were in-
uted to 388 community service points put garbage and mud,” he added. volved in the community service pro-
as an effort to deal with the impact of The Head of DKI Jakarta Environ- gram. He handed over the assistance
the flood. ment Agency Andono Warih said, his of cleaning equipment such as Wipol,
“We want to alleviate and assist party mobilized full force in the Jakar- soap, floor soklin, broom sticks, dust-
the community members affected by ta Community Service after the flood. pan, and drain in the North Jakarta
floods in order to clean up the rem- At least, more than 800 Civil Servants area. The assistance was immediately
nants of the flood,” he said. It has al- (PNS) and 12,000 orange troops who received by the Mayor of North Jakar-
ways been their agenda to take part in joined the Jakarta service. ta, Sigit Widjatmoko. According to him, 3w
social actions. “We are growing and In fact, it also reduced other fa- entrepreneurs also handed over natu-
developing to actualize social solidar- cilities in the form of 1,400 garbage ra assistance in a number of areas af-
ity,” said the man who are often called trucks, 200 heavy equipment of vari- fected by flooding.
Kimung. ous types, 50 units of road sweepers . irw
Pemprov DKI Jakarta @DKIJakarta