Page 16 - EDITION 1 APRIL 2020
P. 16


                                                                                                                                                       Flood History in Batavia
      TOP REPORT          Didnt Set a City in A                              Jakarta is set on a flood-prone                                                 development was suspended as the whole city were flooded.
                                                                                                                                                             1621 : The first flooding under the leadership of Jan Pieterszoon Coen. The city
                                       If Only “Coen”

                                                                                                                                                             1654 : The second flooding under the Dutch occupation era, when the Governor Joan
                                                                                                                                                             Maetsuycker was leading the Batavia. The area of The Old Town (Kota Tua) were
                                                                                                                                                             affected for more than three weeks.
                                        Swampy Land                          area. Almost 40% of its area sits                                               1872 : Flooding hit in the beginning of General Governor James Louden’s leadership
                                                                             under the sea level.
                                                                                                                                                             and paralyzed the elite Harmoni and its surrounding areas.
                                                                                                                                                             1893 : Flood paralyzed the lives of the city for more than a month. At that time, General
                                                                                                                                                             Governor Carel HA Van der Wijck was in charged.

                                                                                                                                                             1909 : Perpetual rains for more than a week set the flooding and paralyzed
                                                                                                                                                             Batavia city. The Dutch East Indies would then planned to
                                                                                                                                                             build Bendung Katulampa (Katulampa dam) to control
                                                                                                                                                             floodwater from the upstreams.
                                                                                                                                                             1918 : Not only damaged facilities, this
                                                                                                                                                             heaviest and worst flood also triggered
                                                                                                                                                             disease outbreaks.
                                                                                                                                                             1932 : Occured for almost a week before
                                                                                                                                                             the independence day, this heavy flooding
                                                                                                                                                             had inundated Batavia when its people
                                                                                                                                                             were fasting during Ramadhan month.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Infographic/Fandy A

                                                                                                                                   been a major threat to this so called   ter inundated all areas of Gajah Mada,   ments which resulted in a gradually
                                                                                                                                   “Queen of The East” city. Even when   Hayam Wuruk and Harmoni.     declining land.
                                                                                                School buses’                      its name changed to Jakarta. There   In 1895, government of Dutch East   “Jakarta is a low-lying area. Ap-
                                                                                                operation were
                                                                                                cancelled when the                 were at least 66 governor-generals   Indies had designed a massive plan   proximately 40 percent of its area set
                                                                                                flood hit Jakarta.
                                                                                                                                   of Dutch East Indies (Hindia Belanda),   in order to prevent flooding in Bata-  below the sea level. It is also experi-
                                                                                                                                   3 mayors and 13 governors who have   via. That grand plan included a com-  encing  land  subsidence,”  said  Mu-
                                                                                              Credit                               ruled, none succeed in prevent flood   prehensive development from the   hammad Fakhrudin, a Limnology Re-
                                                                                              Dharma W.                            in Jakarta.                      upstream areas in Puncak to down-  searcher  at  Indonesian  Institute  of
                                                                                                                                      In fact, Jakarta has long been   stream areas in Estuaria, North Ja-  Sciences (LIPI).
                                                                                                                                   prone to flooding since the Taru-  karta.                            Besides its location in the basin
                                                                                                                                   manegara era. One of the flood cas-  Severe flood in Jakarta also oc-  area, Jakarta is also geomorpholog-
               n one of the visit records from the   land.  Countless  of  merchant  ships   via as a copy of his own hometown in   es were recorded in Tugu inscription   cured in 1932, on January 9th-10th.   ically a flood plain, which is a region
               book Suma Oriental, Portuguse ex-  were coming, bringing the port to life.   Dutch. He asked for Simon Stevin’s     at North Jakarta, which now stored in   That  time,  the  flood  was  caused  by   formed by sedimentation during a
             Iplorer Tome Pires described Sun-  Centuries after Pires came in 1513,   help, a famous city planner, to design       Jakarta History Museum.          the heavy rain with the intensity of 150   flood. Flood plains are generally locat-
             da  Kelapa  port at  the  mouth  of Cili-  in May 30th 1619 the big and bustling   a port city, along with its castles, ca-  In that inscription, it tells that King   mm/day. From that flooding, all peo-  ed around the streams that are mean-
             wung river as a bustling, big port. The   port has evolved to be what is known   nals and impressive views in the cen-  Purnawarman who led the kingdom at   ple who lived in Sabang street and   dering or located at the point where a
             area was swampy. When rainy days   as Batavia. It  was Jan Pieterszoon   tral of the city.                            that time had dug Chandrabagha river   surrounding areas could not leave   tributary meets a major river.
             came, that part of Sunda Kingdom   Coen who built the city. At that time,   Unfortunately, Batavia has set on         (in Bekasi) and Gomati river (Kali Mati   their houses and forced to stay on the   The 13 rivers which flow across
             would usually be inundated by the wa-  he managed to steal the Jayakarta   a quite sloping shore area surrounded      in Tangerang) for 12 kilometers in or-  roofs.                     the city made these flood plain ar-
             ter from Ciliwung river.        and Banten Empire. This  General of   by swamps. The canals were clogged,             der to prevent flooding.                                           eas spread throughout the city. “So it
               Although it was swampy and eas-  Vereenigde Oostindische Compaigne   the rivers were muddy and sediment-               According to numbers of historical   Flood Basin                is quite understandable if the poten-
             ily flooded,  the Europian traders had   (VOC) along with his troops had burnt   ed to the bottoms of the canals. Dur-  records, the worst flooding in Batavia                           tial of flooding in the Jakarta is indeed
             no doubt in giving their power in one   down mosques, the natives’ vilages   ing high tides, the area would be flood-  occured in 1872. The flood caused the   Geologically, Jakarta is a flood ba-  very high,” said Fakhrudin.
             of the biggest ports, located on the   and palaces.              ed and filled with garbages.                         sluisbrug (floodgate) in front of the Is-  sin area. This basin was formed from
             west side of north coast in Java is-  Coen has ambitiously built Bata-  Since its development, flood has              tiqlal  Mosque  broken.  The  floodwa-  young,  thick  but  uncosolidated  sedi-                        nis
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