Page 11 - MEDIAJAYA EDITION 7 2020
P. 11
MEDIA JAYA | 07 2020
1. Some tailors
made pattern on
clothes at home-
industry in South
2. Craftsman made
batik stamp in South
Dharma W.
ated process for business permits for start-up companies, Financial Ser- exemption for the UMKM owners and
the UMKM vendors. “Tax payment de- vices Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia, consumers, such as suspension of
lay will also be given for restaurants, Bank DKI, investors and Indonesian loans, interest rate reduction and ten-
hotels, entertainments and carpark Financing Firms Association (APPI). or extension,” said Yudi in a discussion
areas,” explained Anies. Bank DKI, which serves as the about credit optimalization for small
Head of sub-division of the City credit distributor for UMKMs, has re- business.
Economy at Economy and Finance corded an outstanding total credits for Even so, Bank DKI doesnt eas-
Bureau of Jakarta Secretariat, Azwar the city’s UMKMs in July 2020, reach- ily give exemption to debtors. They
Anas explained that the main policy for ing 1.2 trillion rupiahs. Prior to that will classify the urgency by checking
the economic recovery is to distribute time, 70% of the UMKMs were apply- on their ability to fulfill payment. Yudi
credits for the micro, small and medi- ing for income tax exemption, interest gives an example that if a debtor has
um enterprises (UMKMs). “This year, rate reduction and tenor extension. no income since the pandemic start-
credit distribution has been increased Micro and SME Group Head at ed, he will get the most of exemption.
from the previous year,” he said. Bank DKI, Wahyudi Dwi Irawan said If any business owner has declined
Anas explained in detail that the that since March 2020 they have issued revenue by 20-80%, he will get inter-
total of credit distributed in 2020 has policy to implement stimulus distri- est rate reduction. “There are 41% of
reached 157 billion rupiahs, while in bution especially for the UMKMs, ac- debtors affected and all have been
2019 it only reached 149 billion rupi- cording to the Financial Services Au- granted interest rate reduction for 6
ahs and 138 billion rupiahs in 2018. thority (OJK)’s regulation No.11/2020. months, with an evaluation check ev-
“We also empower the UMKMs reg- Yudi explained that at first, Bank ery 3 months.”
istered in Jakpreneur with digital DKI would process a quick check on Bank DKI has also prepared addi-
marketing training, products sale in possessed portfolios, then mapping tional budget for market’s capitaliza-
marketplace trainings and credit pay- out the affected sectors by calculating tion when the economy returns to nor-
ment.” the risk exposure for the industry. Af- mal, as to help regain the economic
Moreover, during the pandemic of ter that, they would identify the debt- activities. There is also budget for new
COVID-19 there are around 1,000 of or by asking how is the business cur- business owners who are eager to run
UMKMs and 641 assistants who get rent progress and finally prepare the business in the new normal situation.
trainings conducted by numbers of implementation scenario. “We give ros