P. 4


                                   Optimizing the Economic

                                      he pandemic hasnt ended yet. In fact, new cases al-
                                   Tways emerged and affecting not only to our health but
                                   also the economy. It is affecting people’s purchase inten-
                                   tions. Many became jobless. It seems that the pandemic   CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                   will lead to economic collapse.                     OFFICER
                                      Greater Jakarta is one of the cities that hit hard by the   The Governor of DKI Jakarta
                                   pandemic. Although among other cities, Jakarta is lucky to
                                   have a 5.06% of economic growth despite the slowdown,   CHIEF OPERATING
                                   higher than the average national economic growth that is   OFFICER
                                   2.97% (yoy).                                        Secretary of The Provincial
                                      Economic packages are being distributed by the Pro-  Government of DKI Jakarta
                                   vincial  Government  of  Jakarta  (Pemprov  DKI)  to  those
                                  who own micro, small or medium enterprises (UMKM). The   Assistant Secretary of The
              packages include tax break, credit relaxation with low interest rate, and easy access to   Provincial Government of
                                                                                       DKI Jakarta
              get business permits. During this time of pandemic, the UMKM sectors are the worst
              affected by the COVID-19: many has stopped their operation and faced banckruptcy.    DIRECTOR
                 To revive the economy, Pemprov DKI formed a collaboration work with other parties   Head of Communication,
              like, Shopee, Tokopedia, Gojek, Grab and many others. Together they give   Information and Statistics of
              marketing trainings for small enterprises so they can sell their products online.  DKI Jakarta
                 Pemprov DKI also collaborates with banks, Financial Services Authority (OJK) and
              Bank Indonesia for their credits distribution. They invited the communities and busi-  GUARANTOR
              ness owners, too, to help revive the economy of Jakarta through Large Scale Social   Head of Public
              Collaboration (KSBB) program for UMKMs. It seems that collaboration will be the key to   Communication
              optimize economic recovery in Jakarta.
                                                                                       EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                       Head of Media and Public
                                                                                       Communication Section

                                                                                       DEPUTY EDITOR IN CHIEF
                                                                                       Evi Yulianti
                                                                                       MANAGING EDITOR
         FROM THE citizens                                                             Bambang Widodo

         APPLY FOR SMALL BUSINESS PERMITS                                              EDITORS
                                                                                       Nanik I
                                                                                       Irawan P
         Dear Pemprov DKI Jakarta
         Assalamualaikum wr. wb                                                        Ari Muslim
                                                                                       Hans AS
                                                                                       Fenny B
         I have been running a garment bussiness since many years ago, but still havent got   T. Aifan
         the business permit yet. How can I apply for my business permit during this pandemic   Dr. Rosma
         time? Thank you.                                                              Fenti
                                                                                       Devina Ivo
                                                                                       Difa Restiasari
         Peny Triastuti
         Kampung  Pulo, Jakarta Selatan.                                               PHOTOGRAPHERS
                                                                                       Safran Hasibuan
         Answer                                                                        Widhiyanto W
         Dear Peny Triastuti,                                                          CREATIVE TEAM
                                                                                       Tommy Kusuma R
                                                                                       Fandy Adam
         To apply for business permits you can use AJIB, a new delivery service from the One-  Anggia Anggun
         Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) which will come to your business location. You just   Chaidar Izet
         need to show your ID and the officer will take photos of you and your business place.   Asep Setiadi
         Then, the officer will help register your data to the IUMK (micro and small enterprises   SECRETARIAT
         permits) system. In the final step, the Head Executive of Subdistrict DPM-PTSP will   Jose Rizal
         review the administration and technical process before issuing your documents.   Andik F

         Editorial Team
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