Page 8 - EDITION 1 APRIL 2020
P. 8


      TOP REPORT                                                                                                                                           Extreme Rains and Flood in Jakarta

                                                                                                                                                Heavy Flooding        Intensity of Rain Recorded in BMKG Kebayoran  Heaviest Intensity

                                                                                                                                              February 20 th , 1918            125.2 mm/day
                                                                                                                                              February 19 th , 1979            198 mm/day
                                                                                                                                                                                                           198 mm/day
                                                                                                                                              February 10 th , 1996            216.2 mm/day                Kwitang: 216.2 mm/day
                                                                                                                                              February 2 nd , 2002             168.5 mm/day                Kwitang: 168.5 mm/day

                                                                                                                                              February 2 nd , 2007             234/7 mm/day                Pd. Betung: 340 mm/day
                                                                                                       1. People who were
                                                                                                       affected by the flood
                                                                                                       evacuated their                        January 17 th , 2013             174 mm/day                  Kemayoran: 174 mm/day
                                                                                                       2. Children were                       January 17 th , 2014             147.9 mm/day                Rorotan: 178 mm/day
                                                                                                       playing cheerfully in
                                                                                                       the flood.                             February 11 th , 2015            277.5 mm/day             Sunter Kodamar: 367 mm/day

                                                                                                                                              January 1 st , 2020              145 mm/day                  Halim PK: 377 mm/day
                                                                                                     Dharma W/                        Source:                                                                        Infographic/Tommy.K.R
    8                                                                                                Humas Doc                        The Meteorology, Climatology and                                                                     9
                                                                                                                                      Geophysics Agency (BMKG)

            the urbanization. It cause a more pow-  tors such as landscape, spatial and   He also explained that the calcu-         preparing proper spatial management   around Jakarta has to be involved in
            erful and more frequent rain in the   management planning, and social   lation has considered the runoff co-            for water absorption. For example, the   order to solve this problem. “The in-
            morning. “A research done by Siswan-  economy which involved many sectors   efficient controlled by the land cover.     increasing of residential area in Depok   volvement of buffer areas has to be
            to (a researcher at BMKG) shows that   and multi-interests.       “The average runoff coefficient in Ja-                has reached of 8% per year in average.  the key to handle the flood in Jakarta,”
            urbanization in Jakarta changed the   According to him, the changing   karta was 0.61. it means that 61% of               “In 2006 there was 55,16 ha swamp   he insisted.
            rain pattern, which usually occur in   rain pattern from upstream to down-  rain became the runoff and only 39%         area that functions as water retention   Hendricus said that the issue of
            the afternoon to be more in the morn-  stream areas impacts badly to Jakar-  remain absorbed into the land,”            area. But in 2009 it became residen-  Jakarta’s  flooding  started  with  the
            ing, especially in December and Janu-  ta. Moreover, Jakarta is located in the   The condition affected Jakarta, as     tial areas,” said Hudoyo. The condi-  badly-spatial management for water
            ary,” Edvin added.               slope of Ciliwung Watershed—making   most of the Capital area is categorized           tion was worsened by the erosion in   absorption in the upstream areas. In
               In his opinion, the change of water   the Capital as the water accumulation   as inundated land system, means the    upstream area, causing siltation and   another hand, the development of the
            channel infrastructure and water-ab-  area.                       area is inundation or depdession stor-                reducing the capacity of those 13 riv-  cities kept on going.
            sorption capacity are needed in order   When  the flooding  happened  on   age.  There  will  be  not  enough  water    ers to stream water to Jakarta. Cur-  What he meant by the badly spa-  “Rain with the intensity of
            to prepare the upcoming extreme con-  January 1st, Hudoyo expected that   to flow to the lower place towards the        rent data shown that total erosion of   tial management was the neglection   377 mm day indicated an
            dition.                          there was water accumulation of   sea.                                                 those 13 watersheds are 217.620 ton/  of natural defenses systems such as   anomaly and set a new
                                             4.566,28 m3/second that inundating   Long duration of rain with high vol-              ha/year.                        setu and lakes. While in fact, setus   record for now,”
            The Importance of Buffer Areas   many of Jakarta’s area. The expecta-  ume also resulted in an exceeding wa-              According to Hudoyo, spatial plan-  and lakes are effective natural de-
                                             tion came from the calculation of BM-  ter holding capacity. Cloudy and rainy          ning, controling and advancing water   fense areas to absorp water and thus   Endarwin,
               In separate interview, Hudoyo,   KG’s rain intensity data on Decem-  days also reduces the sun exposures             retention function in each landscape   prevent flood in Jakarta.   Head of Sensory
            the Directorate General of Watershed   ber 31st, 2019 and Januury 1st, 2020,   needed for evaporation or evapotrans-    has to be the concern of every parties,   “I hope those in the (upstream) ar-  Management Division at The
            and Forest Protection Management   showing  that  8  watersheds  (includ-  piration, thus increases the amount of       in order to handle the flood in Jakarta.  eas can protect the existing setus and   Meteorology, Climatology
            (PDASHL) in the Ministry of Environ-  ing 13 rivers) has supplied water of   water accumulated on the land sur-           Urban and Regional Planner from   lakes, as they can be very useful to   and Geophysics
            ment and Forestry (KLHK) , explained   7.616,88 m3/second to Jakarta. Mean-  face.                                      the University of Indonesia, Hendricus   contain water when the rain hits hard   Agency (BMKG)
            that besides climate change, the flood   while, those 13 rivers’ can only stream   In the meantime, buffers area es-    Andy Simarmata, agrees with Hudoyo.   in the future,” he explained
            in Jakarta also caused by another fac-  water of 3.050,62 m3/second.  pecially in the downstream had not yet            He believes that buffer areas located                       yen/mus/nis
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